A day in the life: Emily Egan, Legal Operations

Studied a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science at La Trobe University. She recently completed the Legal Operations Graduate Program and is now working as a Legal Operations Analyst.

7:30 AM

One benefit of working from home during COVID means I can easily start my day by getting in some exercise before I get ready. I find that doing so means I am energised for the day ahead. This morning I chose an express HIIT workout from the comfort of my home.

8:40 AM

While I am eating my breakfast and having my morning cup of tea I log in and have a read through of my emails and look over my calendar. This allows me to have an idea of the day ahead and to flag any emails that will require actioning today. I also check the analyst job board to see if any new jobs have been posted that I may be interested in assigning myself to.

9:00 AM

The Legal Operations Analyst chapter have a daily scrum meeting. This is an opportunity for us to share wins and challenges we had the previous day, flag any urgent or unassigned tasks on our job board and to share learnings. The win I share with the team from the previous day was closing out a sub project for a long term project with the Real Estate and Financial Solutions teams. This means I have capacity to take on more work.

9:15 AM

I have a quick call with my supervisor to discuss a knowledge hub site I am building for the Dispute Resolution, Competition Risk & Regulatory and Insurance & Corporate Risk teams. Because the majority of the team will be on leave on Monday, this is my opportunity to clarify questions I have about the task. We also talk through user centred design and how this can be incorporated into the build of the site. The site needs to be user friendly to allow for easy navigation and retrieval of information.

9:30 AM

The Legal Operations Analysts have been asked to present at the upcoming Digital Town Hall. We prepared our slides earlier in the week and are re-grouping to work through the feedback we have received. We divide up the work that needs to be completed and I action off my component this morning because I have a few meetings later on in the day.

10:30 AM

I attend a preparation meeting with the project team for a workshop we will be presenting to a pilot group within the Perth Dispute Resolution team. They have been trialling a new task management solution and we are seeking their feedback on the platform. The session will also be a chance to outline further functionality within the platform now that the pilot group have mastered the basics. In our preparation session we have a dry run of the presentation. I note any edits that I will need to make to the presentation so that this can be actioned afterwards.

11:00 AM

I attend a check in meeting for a project I am co-leading with the Climate Risk Group and Legal Technology Consulting. The CRG team have been testing an AI platform to assist with some review work. This check in allows us to collect feedback on how the AI solution has been working and to assess whether any changes to the existing process need to be made. With this feedback in mind we then discuss the approach to be taken for the remaining documents.

11:45 AM

I receive a request to provide an update on some projects that I have been working on this past month. I send across some dot points on tasks that were completed this month, indicate the key action items for the coming month and flag any potentials issues or risks that may effect of the project being delivered to schedule

12:15 PM

It's a nice sunny day today in Melbourne so decide to go on a walk in my lunch break to enjoy the sunshine and track my final few kilometres as part of the Darkness to Daylight Challenge that the firm is participating in this month. Prior to COVID I had been a member of the Running Club so this has been a great opportunity to virtually walk, run or ride with colleagues whilst raising funds for an important cause.

Emily Egan

1:00 PM 

Luckily I have prepared my lunch the day before so can heat it up and sit at my desk while I work through my next task. As part of the knowledge hub site I am building, there are process maps and documents that are to be imbedded on the site. I have received feedback from Legal and Technology based stakeholders so amend the process maps and documents in line with their comments. These documents can now be uploaded onto the site in preparation of user testing that will be conducted on the first version of the site.

2:30 PM

I attend a demonstration on a document and workflow automation tool we are assessing as a potential solution for a project with the Intellectual Property and Technology Law teams. This demonstration is a chance for our Legal Technology Consulting team member to showcase the Proof of Concept they have developed. As I have been the main contact for the legal teams, I am able to give feedback on the build to date and advise on what other components need to be built out. The vendor then explains further functions that we may wish to leverage as part of our showcase to the legal teams to get their feedback on which of the possible solutions we present to them best fits their needs.

3:30 PM

I have received a few emails setting out required actions from me over the coming week. I respond to acknowledge receipt and where possible indicate likely turnaround period, ask follow up questions where needed and provide any updates from my end. I add these tasks into my planner so they are prioritised and can be seen by the appropriate project team where needed.

Emily Egan

4:00 PM

The Legal Operations Analysts chapter aim to have a weekly debrief at the end of the week. We have a recap of the week that was, share plans for the weekend and participate in 'design jams' which are essentially a drawing challenge. It is great to stay connected as a team despite working remotely and a good chance to end the work week with some laughs.

5:15 PM

I log off between 5:15 and 6 PM unless an urgent task needs to be actioned that day. I double check the hours I have recorded for the week, do a final check of emails and then log off for the evening. I can now prepare dinner for my virtual dinner and drinks with some friends from interstate and make plans for the weekend. 


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