Clare McAuley, Lawyer, Melbourne shares her career journey, hints and tips.

Clare commenced as a graduate with MinterEllison in February 2021. She started with the firm as a clerk in the IP Dispute Resolution team, and is now a lawyer in her second rotation of the graduate program.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I studied Science and Arts in my undergraduate degree, before studying law as a postgraduate degree.

What rotations have you done?

My first rotation was through the Competition, Risk and Regulatory team which encompasses Competition, front- end IP, Technology, Climate, Energy and Health Industry law. I’m currently rotating through the General Insurance team, which involves advising on and managing litigated claims (predominantly major torts) for large insurers, government agencies and other clients. It has been really valuable getting both front-end and back-end experience in such varied areas of law, and the six-month rotations have really allowed me to get a good sense of the practice areas I’ve rotated through and the kind of work involved. I have also been involved in ongoing pro-bono work during my time at the firm.

What was it that attracted you to MinterEllison?

The culture. The people at MinterEllison always stood out to me through the clerkship process as friendly, interested, down to earth and supportive. It’s a high performing top tier firm, but the working environment is welcoming, and people are always willing to chat. It was important for me to find a firm that had that balance, especially as a junior when everything is new and can be challenging. It was also important to me to have the option of 3 rotations across a broad range of practice areas.


“The people at MinterEllison always stood out to me through the clerkship process as friendly, interested, down to earth and supportive.”  


Do you have any advice for those going through the clerkship process this year?

Remember that it’s not everything. It’s a great opportunity to get exposure to firms and areas of law that you’re interested in, but offer day isn’t the end of the road. Put yourself out there, be open, and take everything that you can from the experience, but remember that it’s just a small part of your legal career. Follow your intuition when it comes to firms, and try to meet as many people as you can so that you can form the best opinion possible.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the variety that a career in legal practice offers - no two matters are ever the same. The work is always stimulating and I enjoy learning about, and seeing the inner workings of areas of work and organisations that you otherwise would never know about. I love that alongside this varied commercial practice there is also the opportunity to work with pro bono clients, which develops an entirely different set of skills and perspectives.

What are 3 words you would use to describe MinterEllison as a firm?

Open minded Down-to-earth Driven


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