Francesco Barrese, Lawyer, Melbourne, shares his career journey, hints and tips.

I started at MinterEllison as a clerk two years ago and continued as a paralegal during my final year of university. Now an admitted lawyer, I've rotated through the Transactions Solutions (M&A) and Environment and Planning teams, and I'm excited for new experiences in my third rotation.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your time so far at MinterEllison?

As a proud Italian-Australian, I cherish family, food and I’m always down to talk anything soccer. I started at MinterEllison two years ago as a clerk and continued working as a paralegal during my final year of university. I’m now an admitted lawyer having rotated in the Transactions Solutions (M&A) and Environment and Planning teams, and I am looking forward to new and exciting experiences in my third rotation.

Where did you clerk and why?

I clerked in the Competition and Real Estate teams. I jumped at the chance to rotate through Competition because ‘Competition and Consumer Law’ was my favourite subject at university, and I chose Real Estate because I wanted to experience transactional legal work in an area of interest. I particularly enjoyed the strategic advisory aspects of each team and how those practice areas bring together legal and commercial considerations to solve complex issues.

What practice areas have you worked in?

I have rotated in the M&A and the Environment and Planning teams. The contrast in work styles, legal issues, and tasks given to graduates in each of these teams has provided enriching learning opportunities for me to draw from. Also, six months in these rotations has allowed ample time to understand the areas of law, learn from different ways of thinking to develop my skillset, and develop meaningful relationships across the firm.

Can you share some of the key skills you believe were crucial during your clerkship?

I think some of the key skills that helped me throughout the clerkship were:

  • Enthusiasm and positivity about the opportunity and work given to me. Enthusiasm can be infectious, boost the morale of others, and make challenges manageable!
  • Attention to detail. Legal work often involves intricate details and it’s important that your work isn’t undermined by silly mistakes or oversights.
  • Curiosity and a willingness to learn. Asking questions and having conversations with people is a great way to learn more about an area of law and the corporate world (and also get to know people on a human level - it’s not all about work!).

How has the clerkship shaped your career path or influenced your areas of interest within law?

Before starting the clerkship, I had a limited understanding of the different areas of practice in commercial law. The two clerkship rotations and conversations I had with lawyers across the firm introduced me to different practice groups that piqued my interest.

These experiences highlighted the value in learning about and keeping an open mind about different areas of law. As a graduate, this has lead me to find out more about and ultimately rotate through the M&A and Environment and Planning teams, both of which I have found greatly rewarding.

Can you share a memorable experience from your clerkship that had a significant impact on you?

For me, the highlight was the clerk social events and team interactions. Although some find the prospect of making friends with 30 fellow clerks overwhelming, I was fortunate to clerk at MinterEllison at the same time as my partner and one of my best friends. However, any perceived advantage I thought this would give me was nullified because of the strong camaraderie among the clerks and how easy it was to get along with everyone in the teams I rotated in. These experiences highlighted the firm’s friendly and down-to-earth culture that sets it apart and influenced my decision to undertake my graduate program at MinterEllison.

How has the team at MinterEllison helped to support you?

In so many ways! On a personal level, being surrounded by down-to-earth people who genuinely care about your experiences and wellbeing makes a big difference to my life as a junior lawyer. On a professional level, each team provides a buddy and supervisor who happily answer any questions and act as mentors to facilitate your growth and development. The firm also has various committees that host events that demonstrate its strong commitment to inclusivity and supporting its people which is really valuable to me.


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