Meet Josh

MinterEllison Lawyer, Josh Travers, shares his career journey, hints and tips.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Josh Travers and I’ve been with MinterEllison for just over three years now. I started here as a Search & Lodgement Clerk in the Corporate Services group during my third year of law school. Having come from another career, I was keen to maintain full-time work and studied law externally to achieve the balance I wanted. That was a fantastic role that allowed me to work with a range of people throughout the firm. Through that work, the opportunity came up to move into a Paralegal role in the Real Estate team.

What practice areas have you worked in?

I clerked in Finance during my penultimate year and then returned to Real Estate for my Paralegal role before commencing as a Graduate. In the firm’s Graduate program, you have the opportunity to rotate through three teams in six-month rotations, which I found to be a really valuable learning experience. My first rotation was in our Workplace team, and I’m currently a lawyer in the Transaction Solutions team for my second rotation. So my roles have been really varied.
What was the last major project you worked on?

In Brisbane, the Transaction Solutions team does predominantly M&A transactional work and also advisory work around corporate governance. We’ve recently been working on a larger scale transaction involving public and private companies across multiple jurisdictions, in which we’re advising on the acquisition of a global public transport provider.

Engaging in that style of work is great not only from a learning perspective, but it’s also satisfying to see a major project eventuate and come together from all angles — it motivates you and gives you an added sense of pride in your work.

How has the team at MinterEllison helped to support you?

It’s great to be a part of a workplace that genuinely invests in their people. We’re encouraged to be our own ‘career architects’, and it really does feel like we’re empowered to drive our careers in any direction we’d like. This starts in the Graduate program through undertaking rotations, gaining access to a diverse range of experiences and ultimately getting to choose which team and area of law we want to establish ourselves in.

Do you have any advice for those going through the clerkship process this year?

  1. Get your foot in the door early — attend networking events, build relationships and your personal brand and pursue work opportunities, even if it means jumping out of your comfort zone. It’s never too early to start this.
  2. Stay open minded — maintain focus on your goals, but be curious and flexible about opportunities that arise along the way.
  3. Ultimately create your own pathway and do what works for you — be genuine and kind to yourself.

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