Recruitment tips: your resume

As with any application, the resume is one of the key components when it comes to getting yourself across to a prospective employer.

We expect our future clerks to approach this part of the process with exceptional attention to detail, poise and honesty. Below are my top five tips in how to prepare a strong resume.

  1. Make it concise: you should aim to keep a resume at around 2 pages in length with enough detail to give some insight into your work experience and extra curriculars.
  2. Make it broad: don't just think about transferrable legal experience. We want to get to know you! So include all of your experience up until this point. This will help us get a better impression of yourself and how you will fit into the firm!
  3. Make it thorough: don't leave us questioning anything! When we look at a resume we should get a sense of; Where you've been employed; How long were you at a particular employer; What were you involved with.
  4. Make it understandable: Ensure that you have no spelling mistakes and that your resume has a clear structure. We recommend the following structure: Contact Details > Executive Summary > Education > Employment History > Community & Extra-curricular Involvement. Have someone read through it to check for mistakes or grammatical errors.
  5. Make it yours: this is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your singular talents and experience. Shine a light on the interesting things you have done in your life - charity work, sporting teams, awards etc. this will add some colour to your application and help you stand out.

These tips will help you prepare a stronger resume for when you are submitting your clerkship application.


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